“When it comes to busines…I mean your business. Always remember you are the leader of your business not the Manager. You are the inspiration of your organization, you are the core that moves your business forward….. and this is your added value as a business owner.”
― Sameh Elsayed

Business Founders: A Guide to Expertise with Influence

by Apr 11, 2022Business Excellence0 comments


Let’s face it. If you want to build a major business, you will need funding from investors (unless you’ve inherited a bundle). Therefore, you will need to be known as an expert in your industry and in your business development efforts. Investors will give their money to someone who shows they are an expert. You may be knowledgable in your discipline or craft, which is key, but they also want you to be knowledgeable about business and the processes involved.

 Kathryn Peralia, co, founder of Kabbage stated: “A lot of confidence comes from knowledge. It’s important for people who are starting businesses to be experts in their field, and that everybody needs to look to you as the person who knows it all..and not in a negative way.”

This is it! 

Business Founders of Today Must Be Knowledgeable. 

They must not only know a lot about their particular industries, they must be knowledgeable about how their business will operate. The best way to be extremely knowledgeable about the operations and intended results of your enterprise is to design that business before you begin its operation.

Design a Business Architecture!

Business architecture begins with a description of the foundation of your business. Other parts of the design follow according to your personal and unique design. You are able to clearly describe your business and what you intend the business to accomplish. You will have a carefully documented blueprint that describes the exact architecture of your business.You can astutely describe the components of your operation to affiliates, potential customers and investors because you have designed every important detail. You will not operate in darkness or “shoot from the hip” as so many new business owners do. You know exactly what steps you must take to build a successful enterprise at all levels of its’ business development. As your business is growing, you will know what steps to take next.

“The battle for the accumulation of money and wealth is a battle that needs the greatest amount of preparation and the possession of enough knowledge to ensure victory.”

Chika Onyeani

Do you have a business idea you’ve been thinking about for some time? 

Can you see that idea becoming big business? 

Will it solve a problem for many people? 

Do you already have some or all of the skills you need to perform in this industry? 

If you have answered yes to these questions, you can become the Founder of a major business!

All you need is the right perspective plus the management and leadership skills to move you from one stage of business development to the other.

More questions….

Why do you need skills to build a major business?

When we visualize a new business, we all see nothing but success. Particularly if we have a great skill that we know will help many customers. We’re filled with excitement and just can’t wait to get started. We’ve all been there.. or may be there now. This is good, because we need a fired up motivation to get things done. But the truth is, many of us launch out without all of the tools we need to create sustained success.

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The Small Business Administration completes a report on the status of Small Business in our country periodically. They presented a 2017 report that was recognized as an improvement in small business health. They say it’s an improvement because recent year reports showed lower rates of one year successes. Can you really say one year in business is a success? I don’t know about that one.

Let’s look at the 2017 statistics reported by the SBA. This chart shows the survival rate for 406,000 new businesses in 2017. This most recent report from the SBA (Small Business Administration) more than likely, shows the effects of the available information via the internet.

It is reported that in 2017 79.9% of companies launched have succeeded, not failed in the first year of operations. This is up about 10% over the previous year’s report. But this is still too many failures.

The reality is, 67% were out of business after five years of hard work. That’s over 272,000 businesses. You can just imagine how broke down, worn out and discouraged they were after putting so much valuable time, energy and money into their businesses. They never reached the level of wealth and freedom they envisioned.

 Not to know how to manage is the single largest reason for the failure of new ventures.” Peter Drucker

How can I get this training?

I am in the process of developing easily accessible on-line training designed for business Founders with a Vision to build major businesses.You will have a clearer idea of what building and sustaining a major business will require of you. You will have a complete Architecture for your business, this will be your Business Blueprint. You will learn time-tested and state-of-the-art Leadership and Management skills. With your Business Blueprint along with Management and Leadership skills, you will be well equipped to influence key investors. You will have a deep knowledge of your industry and a solid strategy for getting to your goals. Investors will be greatly impressed. Check the website and let me know if you’re interested. We can efficiently build some innovative and impactful businesses for our people at this special time in history. This is our time! Let’s commit to greatness!

“You must understand that it takes the same amount [of time and energy] to start a small business as it takes to build a major one.”

Chika Onyeani

It’s all a matter of perspective and knowledge!

Tell your friends…..”And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations,…the desolations of many generations.” Isaiah 61:4

Visit me at www.geniuscoretraining.com to let me know if you’re interested.
